DG Weekly Event #1 05.01.2025 12:00 PM GMT

Started by Gagan, Jan 04, 2025, 09:26 AM

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Both events this week will be team-based!
To compete in each event, you will need a team of three players.

Event #1: Sky Dive Relay Race

In the Sky Dive Relay Race, teams of three players compete in a thrilling aerial relay! Each team member starts from a designated position, equipped with a parachute.

Player 1: Jumps first and must land on the roof shown below: 
- Black marked area: Landing zone for Player 1 
- Red marked area: Starting position for Player 2 

Player 2: Continues the relay towards the roof shown below: 
- Black marked area: Landing zone for Player 2 
- Red marked area: Starting position for Player 3 

Player 3: Dives to reach the bike shown below. 
- Player 3 does not need to land exactly on the bike and can walk/run towards it after landing. 
- Goal: Lock the bike! The first team to lock it wins, and each member earns 1 point

Event #2: On Foot Race

This race will take place at The Strip

For this race:
- One player from each team will run on the right side of the track. 
- The other two teammates will be on the left side causing resistance for the rival runners: 
  - Resistance Teammate 1: Equipped with a taser (10 ammo). 
  - Resistance Teammate 2: Equipped with a fire truck or SWAT truck. 

1. You cannot taze the same player twice. 
2. Water guns (fire/SWAT truck) can be used without restriction. 
3. Runners cannot hit each other. 
4. Resistance players (teammates with tasers or trucks) cannot engage with other players of the same category. 

Any violation of these rules will result in disqualification for the entire team. 

Event Details:
Date: 05.01.2025 (SUNDAY) 
Time: 12:00 PM GMT [This time has been chosen as it is the most active hour of the server(based on past 7 days statistics)]

Registration Form:
Your IG Name:
IG Name of your teammates:
Have you read the above details carefully?:
Wise men speak because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something. – Plato


Due to lack of participants, this event has been postponed to next Sunday, i.e. 12.12.2025.
Wise men speak because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something. – Plato

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