The Server Commands Guide by AreebTL

Started by AreebTL, May 15, 2024, 08:33 AM

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General Commands:
/rules = View the server rules dialog
/tips = View the server tips dialog
/toggletips = Toggle the tip messages on/off
/faq = View the server's frequently asked questions dialog
/stats = View the stats option dialog
/admins = View the list of server admins (available at level 10)
/hdos = View the list of server helpdesk operators
/id = Find a player's ID by name
/ask = Ask a question to helpdesk operators
/askchat = Continue the discussion with the helpdesk operator about the question you asked
/cancelask = Cancel the question you asked to helpdesk operators
/areply = Reply to admin's PM
/report = Report a player
/request = View the list of organizations dialog
/leaderboard = View the server's leaderboard dialog
/quest = View the current quest details dialog
/guess = Guess the number between the specific numbers
/events = View the list of server events dialog
/eventinfo = View the information of server events dialog
/leaveevent = Leave the event you are playing
/tc = Chat with the same team members in an event
/endrace = End your race
/endjob = End your job
/givecash = Give a specific amount of cash to a nerby player
/shareammo = Share ammos with a nearby player
/dbweap = Choose/change the drive-by weapons
/throwweap = Throw the weapon you are holding
/starttest = Start a driving/bike/pilot/boat/trucking test
/buycar = Buy a car
/buyweap = Buy a weapon
/buyarmor = Buy an armor
/civil = Use the civilian skin
/ccolor = Use the civilian name color
/leave = Leave an organization/stadium or airport's interior
/slap = Slap a player
/flipcoin = Flip a coin to play head or tail
/rolldice = Roll a chosen number of dice(s)
/drawcard = Draw a card from your playing cards deck
/actions = View the list or choose an animation to apply
/dance = View the list or choose a dancing animation to apply
/walk = View the list or choose a walking animation to apply
/run = View the list or choose a running animation to apply
/sit = View the list or choose a sitting animation to apply
/gangsigns = View the list or choose a gang sign animation to apply
/snm = View the list or choose a sadism & masochism animation to apply
/bj = View the list or choose a blowjob animation to apply
/guide = View the short guide of the server
/interiors = View the interiors used in the server and their locations
/skydive = Teleport to a flying plane in order to skydive
/acceptoffer = Accept a player's offer of selling vehicle(s)/property/business share(s)/weapon's ammo(s)/drug(s)/explosive(s)/material(s)
/rejectoffer = Reject a player's offer of selling vehicle(s)/property/business share(s)/weapon's ammo(s)/drug(s)/explosives(s)/material(s)
/canceloffer = Cencels a player's offer of selling vehicle(s)/property/business share(s)/weapon's ammo(s)/drug(s)/explosives(s)/material(s)
/sellmats = Sell your material(s) to a player
/sellweapon = Sell your weapon's ammo(s) to a player
/sellexplosives = Sell your explosive(s) to a player
/plantbomb = Plant an explosive in your character's position
/detonate = Detonate the explosive you planted
/selldrugs = Sell drug(s) to a player
/usedrugs = Use the drugs that you have in your inventory
/itemlist = View the list of items you have in your inventory
/giveitem = Give a givable item to another player from your inventory
/edititem = Edit the position of your clothing items you weared
/scratchcard = Scratch a scratching card
/fightstyle = Learn a fighting style
/forgetfightstyle = Forget the fighting style you learned
/drink = Drink the drinkable items in your inventory
/menu = View the menu of available foods in a restaurant or cafe
/smoke = Smoke a cigarette
/911 = Call 911 emergency service
/911 = End the phone call conversation with 911 emergency service
/medic = Call paramedic service
/medicend = End the phone call conversation with paramedics
/taxi = Hair a taxi for a ride to a location
/limo = Hair a limo for a ride to a location
/buyticket = Buy a ticket to teleport/ride to another major city airport by plane
/acceptfare = Accept the request for fare
/declinefare = Decline the request for fare
/cancelfare = Cancel the request for fare
/payfare = Pay the fare of taxi/limo/pilot
/ad = Advertise anything related to selling/buying/discount/offer
/accepttax = Accept the amount of tax you have been issued
/declinetax = Decline the amount of tax you have been issued
/hit = Send a hit request on a player
/cancelhit = Cancel your hit request on a player
/tagson = Turn the name tags on
/tagsoff = Turn the name tags off
/rpname = Register/change your roleplay character's name
/fr = Choose freeroam as your gaming stat
/rp Choose roleplay as your gaming stat
/afk = Go away from the keyboard
/back = Come back after going AFK
/afkmsgs = Toggle the AFK messages on/off
/localcon = Turn the ''local chat messages only'' mode on
/localcoff = Turn the ''local chat messages only'' mode off
/ignore = Ignore a player's messages
/unignore = Uningnore a player's messages
/ignorelist = View the list of player(s) you are ignoring
/wt = Talk in wakie takie
/wtc = Join a walkie takie channel
/wton = Turn your walkie talkie on
/wtoff = Turn your walkie takie off
/checkwtc = Check who are connected to your walkie-talkie channel
/tie = Tie a player
/untie = Untie a player
/escapejail = Try your luck at escaping jail
/rpschool = Mark the roleplay school location on the radar
/cancelrptest = Cancel your roleplay test
/headshots = View the headshots probabilities dialog
/snowonoff = Turn the snow on/off
/url = Show/hide the URL
/clock = Show/hide the clock
/zonename = Show/hide the zonename
/joinpart = Show/hide the <join> <part> texts
/zonewarns = Enable/disable zone warns
/setacc = Set a new nickname for your account
/setpass = Set a new password for your account
/togglepms = Toggle on/off private messages
/leos = See the online law enforcement organization (Leo) members
/vippoints = View the VIP points dialog
/vips = See the online VIP members
/toggles = View your toggleable settings dialog
/damagefeed = Toggle on-screen damage feed text

Property Commands:
/propcmds = View the list of property commands dialog
/buyprop = Buy a property
/sellprop = Sell a property
/rentprop = Rent a property
/canceltenancy = Cancel a property's tenancy
/payrent = Pay your tenancy rent for property
/setproptolet = Set a property's renter's amount and cost to let
/stopproptolet = Stop a property from being able to let
/proptoletcost = Change property's to-let cost
/kicktenant = Kick a tenant from your
/propcar = Set personal vehicle's respawn position in your property
/proploc = Get the property's location
/lockprop = Lock a property
/unlockprop = Unlock a property
/safeaccess = Set your property's safe access settings
/furniture = Add furniture to your property
/myfurniture = Edit furniture(s) of your property
/viewcctv = View CCTV of property/organization
/cctvstop = Stop viewing CCTV of property/organization
/open = Open an organization/property or lock-up's gate
/close = Close an organization/property or lock-up's gate

Business Commands:
/buscmds = View the list of business commands dialog
/invest = Invest in a business (25 score required)
/sellshares = Sell shares of your business
/getprofit = Collect the profit from your business
/checkprofit = Check the profit(s) of your business(es)
/buscar = Set your personal vehicle's respawn position in your business
/busloc = Get the location(s) of your business(es)

Vehicle Commands:
/vcmds = View the list of vehicle commands dialog
/lock = Lock your vehicle
/unlock = Unlock your vehicle
/engine = Turn the engine on/off of your vehicle (Alternative command /e and key N)
/lights = Turn the lights on/off of the vehicle you are driving
/bonnet = Open/close the bonnet of the vehicle you are driving
/boot = Open/close the boot of the vehicle you are driving
/windows = Open/close the windows of the vehicle you are driving
/speedo = De-activate/re-active the speed-o-meter of the vehicle you driving
/refuel = Refuel the vehicle you are driving
/repaircraft = Repair the aircraft you are driving
/detach = Detach the trailer from your truck
/resetcar = Respawn your owned vehicle to the nearest Police Department/Property/Organization/Business/Lock-up
/modv = Modify your vehicle
/paintv = Add paint job to your vehicle
/stripcomp = Strip any components from your vehicle
/strippj = Strip the paint job from your vehicle
/eject = Eject someone from your vehicle
/repairtire = Repair the tire of your vehicle
/bombtime =
/gps = Mark a location using your vehicle's GPS
/gpsoff = Unmark the location of your vehicle's GPS
/export = Export the vehicle
/exportlocs = View the current list of exportable vehicle and their locations
/sellcar = Sell your owned vehicle
/givecarkey = Give your owned vehicle's key
/returncarkey = Return other's owned vehicle's key
/retrievecarkey = Retrieve your vehicle's key from the player you given to

Phone Commands:
/phonecmds = View the list of phone commands dialog
/call = Call a player using their /mynumber
/answer = Answer to an incoming call from a player
/hangup = Hang up an incoming call or during an ongoing phone call conversation
/addcontact = Add a new contact to your /contacts
/contacts = View your cellphone's contacts
/text = Send an SMG to a player's cellphone
/calllog = View the call log of your cellphone
/clearcalllog = Clear the call log of your cellphone
/inbox = Check the inbox of your cellphone
/clearinbox = Clear the inbox of your cellphone
/mynumber = Know what your cellphone number is
/mybalance = Know what your cellphone balance is
/phoneon = Switch your cellphone on
/phoneoff = Switch your cellphone off
/blocknumber = Block a number from your cellphone
/unblocknumber = Unblock a number from your cellphone
/ringtone = Change the ringtone of your cellphone

Chat Commands:
/chatcmds = View the list of chat commands dialog
/pm = Private message a player
/reply = Reply to the recent private message you got
/b = Talk with nearby player(s) OOCly
> /me = Talk with nearby player(s)
/do = Describe the reaction of your actions & surrounding situation ICly
/lme = Use the /me locally
/ldo = Use the /do locally
/ame = Send an annotated /me text at the top of your character's name for a certain time
/s = Talk with nearby player(s)
/vs = Talk with the players inside your vehicle ICly or OCCly
/shout = Shout either ICly or OOCly
/w = Whipser to a player either ICly or OOCly

Job Commands:
/jobs = View the list of available jobs dialog
/busdepot = Mark the bus route job's location  on the radar
/trucking = Mark the trucking job's location on the radar
/farm = Mark the combine job's location on the radar
/trashdepot = Mark the trash job's location on the radar
/securicar = Mark the securicar job's location on radar
/sprunk = Mark the sprunk job's location on the radar

VIP Commands:
/vipcmds = View the list of VIP Commands
/vc = Chat with VIP members
/vexpdat = View the VIP expiration date
/changeskin =  Change the skin(s) of your /dskin
/changecar = Change your owned vehicle's model to another model
/dskin = Use the VIP skin
/ditems = View & wear the VIP items
/dweapons = View & get the VIP weapons
/respond = Respond to a taxi/limo/pilot fare request
/color1 = Change your owned vehicle's first color
/color2 = Change your owned vehicle's second color
/paintjob = Add a paint job to your owned vehicle
/changecellphone = Change your cellphone's model
/dhide = Hide yourself from /vips
/dshow = Show off yourself in /vips
/health = Refill 50% health
/armor = Refill 50% armor
/jetpack = Get a jetpack
/dfightstyles = Change your VIP fighting style
/vprop = Add snow flow and/or any neon tube to your owned vehicle
/rvprop = Remove snow plow and/or any neon tube from your owned vehicle

Organization Leader Commands:
/lcmds = View the list of organization leader/co-leader commands
/setcoleader = Set a member as a co-leader of your organization
/kickcoleader = Kick a member as co-leader of your organization
/owithdraw = Withdraw money from your organization's bank
/obs = View the organization's balance
/setmember = Set a player to your organization's members
/kickmember = Kick a player from your organization
/decline = Decline a player's request of joining to your organization
/wipemembers = Wipe off all members of your organization
/ovr = Respawn all vehicles of your organization
/dmrb = Delete your org members' roadblocks
/dmcone = Delete your org members' cones
/takezone = Take a zone as your organization's territory
/startwar = Start a gang zone war with another organization
/interioraccess = Change the interior access settings of your organization
/setrec = Enable/disable the recruitment of your organization
/addrank = Add a rank for your organization's members
/delrank = Delete a rank from your organization
/editrankperms = Edit the permissions of a rank
/setrankwage = Set a wage amount for a rank
/obalance = Check the organization's balance
/extort = Extort profit from a business to your organization
/stopextort = Stop extorting profit from the business to your organization
/extortprofit = Collect your extorted profit from a business
/tagfont = Change the font style of your organization
/ostripcomp = Strip a component from your org vehicle
/ostrippj = Strip the paint job from your org vehicle

Organization Co-Leader Commands:
/lcmds = View the list of co-leader comamnds
/setmember = Set a member as a co-leader of your organization
/kickmember = Kick a member as co-leader of your organization
/decline = Decline a player's request of joining to your organization
/wipemembers = Wipe off all members of your organization
/ovr = Respawn all vehicles of your organization
/dmrb = Delete your org members' roadblocks
/dmcone = Delete your org members' cones
/takezone = Take a zone as your organization's territory
/startwar = Start a gang zone war with another organization
/interioraccess = Change the interior access settings of your organization
/setrec = Enable/disable the recruitment of your organization
/addrank = Add a rank for your organization's members
/delrank = Delete a rank from your organization
/editrankperms = Edit the permissions of a rank
/setrankwage = Set a wage amount for a rank
/obalance = Check the organization's balance
/extort = Extort the profit from a business to your organization
/stopextort = Stop extorting profit from the business your organization extorting from
/extortprofit = Collect your extorted profit from a business
/tagfont = Change the font style of your organization
/ostripcomp = Strip a component from your org vehicle
/ostrippj = Strip the paint job from your org vehicle

Police Organization Commands:
/ocmds = View the list of your organization commands
/oskin = Use an available skin of your organization
/checkwage = Check your rank's wage
/oc = Chat with organization members
/lc = Speak in law enforcement radio ICly
/lad = Make an advertisement for your law organization
/911reply = Respond to /911 call
/jail = Jail a wanted player
/unjail = Unjail a wanted player early
/jailreason = View the reason specified for jailing a wanted player
/fine = Fine a player ICly
/runplate = Check who owns a vehicle using the vehicle's custom license plate
/runv = Check who owns a vehicle using the vehicle ID
/want = Set or increase/decrease wanted star(s) of a player (Between 1-8 stars)
/cuff = Cuff a player ICly
/uncuff = Uncuff a player ICly
/raid = Start a raid inside a property
/endraid = End the ongoing raid inside the property
/loc = View/stop the location information text of a wanted player on your screen
/pu = Order player(s) to pull over ICly
/addpoints = Add points to players' vehicle licenses
/frisk = Frisk a player ICly
/takeitem = Confiscate an item from a player ICly
/rb = Create a roadblock
/drb = Delete one of the roadblock(s) you created
/editrb = Edit a roadblock's position that you created
/cone = Create a cone
/dcone = Delete one of the cone(s) you created
/editcone = Edit a cone's position that you created
/dstinger = Delete one of the stinger(s) you dropped
/members = View the organization members list
/odeposit = Deposit an amount of money in your organization
/viewcctv = View the CCTV of an organization/property
/cctvstop = Stop viewing the CCTV of an organization/property
/collectweapons = Collect your organization weapon(s) from your organization vehicle
/orgcar = Set your owned vehicle's respawning position anywhere near your organization
/down = Come down from the rooftop of your organization's headquarter
/open = Open the gate of an organization/property/lock-up
/close = Close the gate of an organization/property/lock-up
/resign = Resign from your organization

SWAT Organization Commands:
/ocmds = View the list of your organization commands
/oskin = Use an available skin of your organization
/checkwage = Check your rank's wage
/oc = Chat with organization members
/lc = Speak in law enforcement radio ICly
/lad = Make an advertisement for your law organization
/jail = Jail a wanted player
/unjail = Unjail a wanted player early
/jailreason = View the reason specified for the jailing of a wanted player
/want = Set or increase/decrease wanted star(s) of a player (Between 1-8 stars)
/cuff = Cuff a player ICly
/uncuff = Uncuff a player ICly
/endraid = End the ongoing raid inside the property
/loc = View/stop the location information text of a wanted player on your screen
/pu = Order player(s) to pull over ICly
/frisk = Frisk a player ICly
/takeitem = Confiscate an item from a player ICly
/rb = Create a roadblock
/drb = Delete one of the roadblock(s) you created
/editrb = Edit a roadblock's position that you created
/cone = Create a cone
/dcone = Delete one of the cone(s) you created
/editcone = Edit a cone's position that you created
/members = View the organization members list
/odeposit = Deposit an amount of money in your organization
/viewcctv = View the CCTV of an organization/property
/cctvstop = Stop viewing the CCTV of an organization/property
/collectweapons = Collect your organization weapon(s) from your organization vehicle
/orgcar = Set your owned vehicle's respawning position anywhere near your organization
/collectexplosives = Collect the explosives that you ordered from a shipping point
/down = Come down from the rooftop of your organization's headquarter
/open = Open the gate of an organization/property/lock-up
/close = Close the gate of an organization/property/lock-up
/resign = Resign from your organization

Army Organization Commands:
/ocmds = View the list of your organization commands
/oskin = Use an available skin of your organization
/checkwage = Check your rank's wage
/oc = Chat with organization members
/lc = Speak in law enforcement radio ICly
/lad = Make an advertisement for your law organization
/jail = Jail a wanted player
/unjail = Unjail a wanted player early
/jailreason = View the reason specified for the jailing of a wanted player
/want = Set or increase/decrease wanted star(s) of a player (Between 1-8 stars)
/cuff = Cuff a player ICly
/uncuff = Uncuff a player ICly
/raid = Start a raid inside a property
/endraid= End the ongoing raid inside the property
/loc = View/stop the location information text of a wanted player on your screen
/pu = Order player(s) to pull over ICly
/frisk = Frisk a player ICly
/takeitem = Confiscate an item from a player ICly
/rb = Create a roadblock
/drb = Delete one of the roadblock(s) you created
/editrb = Edit a roadblock's position that you created
/cone = Create a cone
/dcone = Delete one of the cone(s) you created
/editcone = Edit a cone's position that you created
/members = View the organization members list
/odeposit = Deposit an amount of money in your organization
/viewcctv = View the CCTV of an organization/property
/cctvstop = Stop viewing the CCTV of an organization/property
/collectweapons  = Collect your organization weapon(s) from your organization vehicle
/orgcar = Set your owned vehicle's respawning position anywhere near your organization
/collectexplosives = Collect your organization weapon(s) from your organization vehicle
/down = Come down from the rooftop of your organization's headquarter
/open = Open the gate of an organization/property/lock-up
/close = Close the gate of an organization/property/lock-up
/resign = Resign from your organization

Gang Organization Commands:
/ocmds = View the list of your organization commands
/oskin = Use an available skin of your organization
/checkwage = Check your rank's wage
/oc = Chat with organization members
/robbank = Rob a bank with your organization members (at least 3)
/robcasino = Rob a casino with your organization members (at least 3)
/collectdrugs = Collect the drugs you ordered from a shipping point
/canceldrugs = Cancel the drugs from being shipped that you ordered
/members = View the organization members list
/odeposit = Deposit an amount of money in your organization
/viewcctv = View the CCTV of an organization/property
/cctvstop = Stop viewing the CCTV of an organization/property
/collectweapons = Collect your organization weapon(s) from your organization vehicle
/orgcar = Set your owned vehicle's respawning position anywhere near your organization
/down = Come down from the rooftop of your organization Headquarter
/zones = Check the territory(ies) that your organization captured as their own
/addtag = Add a tag on an object
/deltag = Delete one the tag(s) you added
/edittag = Edit one of the tag(s) you added
/viewtag = View one of the tag(s) you added
/viewtagstop = Stop viewing a tag
/open = Open the gate of an organization/property/lock-up
/close = Close the gate of an organization/property/lock-up
/resign = Resign from your organization

Mafia Organization Commands:
/ocmds = View the list of your organization commands
/oskin = Use an available skin of your organization
/checkwage = Check your rank's wage
/oc = Chat with organization members
/robbank = Rob a bank with your organization members (at least 3)
/robcasino = Rob a casino with your organization members (at least 3)
/collectdrugs = Collect the drugs you ordered from a shipping point
/canceldrugs = Cancel the drugs from being shipped that you ordered
/collectweapon = Collect the weapon(s) you ordered from a shipping point
/cancelweapon = Cancel the weapon(s) you ordered from being shipped
/collectexplosives = Collect the explosive(s) you ordered from a shipping point
/cancelexplosives = Cancel the explosive(s) you ordered from being shipped
/members = View the organization members list
/odeposit = Deposit an amount of money in your organization
/viewcctv = View the CCTV of an organization/property
/cctvstop = Stop viewing the CCTV of an organization/property
/collectweapons = Collect your organization weapon(s) from your organization vehicle
/orgcar = Set your owned vehicle's respawning position anywhere near your organization
/down = Come down from the rooftop of your organization's headquarter
/zones = Check the territory(ies) that your organization captured as their own
/addtag = Add a tag on an object
/deltag = Delete one the tag(s) you added
/edittag = Edit one of the tag(s) you added
/viewtag = View one of the tag(s) you added
/viewtagstop = Stop viewing a tag
/open = Open the gate of an organization/property/lock-up
/close = Close the gate of an organization/property/lock-up
/resign = Resign from your organization

Paramedic Organization Commands:
/ocmds = View the list of your organization commands
/oskin = Use an available skin of your organization
/checkwage = Check your rank's wage
/oc = Chat with organization members
/mreply = Respond to /medic call
/heal = Restore a player's health
/members = View the organization members list
/odeposit = Deposit an amount of money in your organization
/viewcctv = View the CCTV of an organization/property
/cctvstop = Stop viewing the CCTV of an organization/property
/collectweapons = Collect your organization weapon(s) from your organization vehicle
/orgcar = Set your owned vehicle's respawning position anywhere near your organization
/down = Come down from the rooftop of your organization's headquarter
/open = Open the gate of an organization/property/lock-up
/close = Close the gate of an organization/property/lock-up
/resign = Resign from your organization

Public Transport Organization Commands:
/ocmds = View the list of your organization commands
/oskin = Use an available skin of your organization
/checkwage = Check your rank's wage
/oc = Chat with organization members
/respond = Respond of a taxi/limo/pilot fare
/oad = Send an advertisement of your organization
/members = View the organization members list
/odeposit = Deposit an amount of money in your organization
/viewcctv = View the CCTV of an organization/property
/cctvstop = Stop viewing the CCTV of an organization/property
/collectweapons = Collect your organization weapon(s) from your organization vehicle
/orgcar = Set your owned vehicle's respawning position anywhere near your organization
/down = Come down from the rooftop of your organization's headquarter
/open = Open the gate of an organization/property/lock-up
/close = Close the gate of an organization/property/lock-up
/resign = Resign from your organization

Public Business Organization Commands:
/ocmds = View the list of your organization commands
/oskin = Use an available skin of your organization
/checkwage = Check your rank's wage
/oc = Chat with organization members
/oad = Send an advertisement of your organization
/members = View the organization members list
/odeposit = Deposit an amount of money in your organization
/viewcctv = View the CCTV of an organization/property
/cctvstop = Stop viewing the CCTV of an organization/property
/collectweapons = Collect your organization weapon(s) from your organization vehicle
/orgcar = Set your owned vehicle's respawning position anywhere near your organization
/down = Come down from the rooftop of your organization Headquarter
/open = Open the gate of an organization/property/lock-up
/close = Close the gate of an organization/property/lock-up
/resign = Resign from your organization

Hitman Organization Commands:
/ocmds = View the list of your organization commands
/oskin = Use an available skin of your organization
/checkwage = Check your rank's wage
/oc = Chat with organization members
/oad = Send an advertisement of your organization
/confirmhit = Confirm a player's requested hit on another player
/hits = View a list of confirmed hits
/uchits = View a list of unconfirmed hits
/trace = trace a player
/members = View the organization members list
/odeposit = Deposit an amount of money in your organization
/viewcctv = View the CCTV of an organization/property
/cctvstop = Stop viewing the CCTV of an organization/property
/collectweapons = Collect your organization weapon(s) from your organization vehicle
/orgcar = Set your owned vehicle's respawning position anywhere near your organization
/down = Come down from the rooftop of your organization's headquarter
/open = Open the gate of an organization/property/lock-up
/close = Close the gate of an organization/property/lock-up
/resign = Resign from your organization

Quarry Organization Commands:
/ocmds = View the list of your organization commands
/oskin = Use an available skin of your organization
/checkwage = Check your rank's wage
/oc = Chat with organization members
/oad = Send an advertisement for your organization
/rb = Create a roadblock
/drb = Delete the roadblock you created
/editrb = Edit the position of the roadblock you created
/cone = Create a cone
/dcone = Delete the cone you created
/editcone = Edit the position of cone you created
/members = View the organization members list
/odeposit = Deposit an amount of money in your organization
/viewcctv = View the CCTV of an organization/property
/cctvstop = Stop viewing the CCTV of an organization/property
/collectweapons = Collect your organization weapon(s) from your organization vehicle
/orgcar = Set your owned vehicle's respawning position anywhere near your organization
/down = Come down from the rooftop of your organization's headquarter
/open = Open the gate of an organization/property/lock-up
/close = Close the gate of an organization/property/lock-up
/resign = Resign from your organization

Racing Gang Organization Commands:
/ocmds = View the list of your organization commands
/oskin = Use an available skin of your organization
/checkwage = Check your rank's wage
/oc = Chat with organization members
/robbank = Rob a bank with your organization members (at least 3)
/robcasino = Rob a casino with your organization members (at least 3)
/collectdrugs = Collect the drugs you ordered from a shipping point
/canceldrugs = Cancel the drugs from being shipped that you ordered
/cone = Create a cone
/dcone = Delete the cone you created
/editcone = Edit the position of the cone you created
/members = View the organization members list
/odeposit = Deposit an amount of money in your organization
/viewcctv = View the CCTV of an organization/property
/cctvstop = Stop viewing the CCTV of an organization/property
/collectweapons = Collect your organization weapon(s) from your organization vehicle
/orgcar = Set your owned vehicle's respawning position anywhere near your organization
/down = Come down from the rooftop of your organization Headquarter
/zones = Check the territory(ies) that your organization captured as their own
/addtag = Add a tag on an object
/deltag = Delete one the tag(s) you added
/edittag = Edit one of the tag(s) you added
/viewtag = View one of the tag(s) you added
/viewtagstop = Stop viewing a tag
/open = Open the gate of an organization/property/lock-up
/close = Close the gate of an organization/property/lock-up
/resign = Resign from your organization

Mechanic Organization Commands:
/ocmds = View the list of your organization commands
/oskin = Use an available skin of your organization
/checkwage = Check your rank's wage
/oc = Chat with organization members
/oad = Send an advertisement for your organization
/cone = Create a cone
/dcone = Delete the roadblock you created
/editcone = Edit the position of the roadblock you created
/repair = Repair a player's vehicle
/members = View the organization members list
/odeposit = Deposit an amount of money in your organization
/viewcctv = View the CCTV of an organization/property
/cctvstop = Stop viewing the CCTV of an organization/property
/collectweapons = Collect your organization weapon(s) from your organization vehicle
/orgcar = Set your owned vehicle's respawning position anywhere near your organization
/down = Come down from the rooftop of your organization's headquarter
/open = Open the gate of an organization/property/lock-up
/close = Close the gate of an organization/property/lock-up
/resign = Resign from your organization

Other Organizations Commands:
/ocmds = View the list of your organization commands
/oskin = Use an available skin of your organization
/checkwage = Check your rank's wage
/oc = Chat with organization members
/members = View the organization members list
/odeposit = Deposit an amount of money in your organization
/viewcctv = View the CCTV of an organization/property
/cctvstop = Stop viewing the CCTV of an organization/property
/collectweapons = Collect your organization weapon(s) from your organization vehicle
/orgcar = Set your owned vehicle's respawning position anywhere near your organization
/down = Come down from the rooftop of your organization's headquarter
/open = Open the gate of an organization/property/lock-up
/close = Close the gate of an organization/property/lock-up
/resign = Resign from your organization

President Commands:
/pcmds = View the list of president commands
/setvicepres = Set a player the vice president of san andreas
/kickvicepres = Kick a player as vice president of san andreas
/setmayor = Set a member as mayor
/kickmayor = Kick a player as mayor
/setmp = Set a player a member of parliament
/kickmp = Kick a player as a member of parliament
/gcmds = View the list of parliament member commands
/gwithdraw = Withdraw money from government treasure
/presskin = Change the president skin
/psay = Speak as president of san andreas
/presres = Resign as president of san andreas

Vice President Commands:
/vpcmds = View the list of vice president commands
/setmayor = Set a member as mayor
/kickmayor = Kick a player as mayor
/setmp = Set a player a member of parliament
/kickmp = Kick a player as a member of parliament
/gcmds = View the list of parliament member commands
/gwithdraw = Withdraw money from government treasury
/vpresskin = Change the vice president skin
/vpsay = Speak as vice president of san andreas
/vpresres = Resign as vice president of san andreas

Mayor Commands:
/gcmds = View the list of parliament member commands
/gc = Chat with members of the government
/tax = Impose an amount of tax to a player
/gdeposit = Deposit money in government treasury
/gbalance = Check the government treasure balance
/mpres = Resign as a member of parliament

Client Commands:
/ccmds = View the list of client commands
/pagesize = Expand/shrink the chat page between 10-20
/headmove = Enable/disalbe headmoves
/timestamp = Show/hide time stamp before chat messages
/nametagstatus = Show/hide name tag status
/fontsize = Larger/smaller font's size

Roleplay School Leader Commands:
/rpcmds = View the list of roleplay leader/teacher commands
/rptc = Chat with roleplay teachers
/startrptest = Start taking a roleplay test of a player
/stoprptest = Stop taking a roleplay test from a player
/setrpmark = Set roleplay mark of a player
/setrpteacher = Set a player teacher of roleplay school
/kickrpteacher = Kick a player as teacher of roleplay school
/rpleaderres = Resign as a roleplay school leader

Roleplay School Teacher Commands:
/rpcmds = View the list of roleplay leader/teacher commands
/rptc = Chat with roleplay teachers
/startrptest = Start taking a roleplay test of a player
/stoprptest = Stop taking a roleplay test from a player
/setrpmark = Set roleplay mark of a player
/rpteacherres = Resign as a roleplay teacher

Clan Commands:
/clancmds = View the list of clan member commands
/cc = Chat with clan members
/quitlcan = Quit the [DG] clan

Lock-Up Commands:
/lucmds = View the list of lock-up commands
/rentlockup = Rent a lock-up
/stoprentlockup = Stop renting a lock-up
/paylurent = Pay the lock-up's rent
/lockupcar = Set the respawn position(s) of your lock-up vehicle
/lockuploc = Get the location of your lock-up
/open = Open the gate of an organization/property or lock-up
/close = Close the gate of an organization/property or lock-up

© This guide's contents were written by AreebTL, Discord: areeb_the_legend, all rights reserved.

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