DG-Server Updates topic

Started by Strapz, Sep 01, 2022, 11:42 AM

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- Admins can spectate from in jail
- Fixed unjailing players early if they aren't spawned
- Admins can check players' assets by clicking on the scoreboard or using /checkstats
- Added new job: Sprunk missions. You can start Sprunk missions at the Sprunk factory in Montgomery
- Players can end their current job/mission with /endjob
- Added the 'hogan's alley' interior to /interiors
- Added Sprunk missions to the server guide
- Admins can toggle weapon shot admin note messages (when players fire at other players or at vehicles)
- Dying state & revival apply only to players in Role-play gaming state
- Fixed an "Array index out of bounds" error in /tie and /cuff
- Fixed muted players can talk in /cc
- Admins can check org bank balances
- Stingers can be deployed by org members from their org vehicles if the siren is toggled on for the vehicle. Bicycles, bikes, aircrafts, boats, and RC vehicles are exempt
- Fixed setting an offline player as admin showing them as online in /admins
- Fixed clan members being able to set their name as the clan tag
- Fixed spawning in escobar airport for the first time, then relogging and repeating the process giving you $50000 each time
- Merged admin level 7 with level 6 (other than /setvip and /givevippoints, which are now for admin ID 1)
- Fixed /setgamingstate not cancelling /taxi, /limo, and /buyticket jobs/requests, or removing jetpack when setting to role-play
- You can't change your gaming state when you're wanted
- Tazer effects now last 10 seconds
- Fixed /enter not working as driver when in an organization exterior cube
- Fixed /leave not working as driver when in an organization interior
- The 7 day cooldown for resigning from an organization now applies to everyone
- Fixed the first spawn text "Exit the interior by pressing N at the door" sometimes appearing when it shouldn't, and sometimes not appearing when it should
- Added fence objects and an organization gate to an area in Market, Los Santos
- Fixed Securicar missions not ending if your Securicar is destroyed
- Fixed next sprunk mission checkpoints not appearing if the previous one was in the same interior
- Fixed Caligula's basement sprunk mission checkpoints not appearing
- % symbol shows as # for SA-MP 0.3.7-R1, 0.3.DL-R1, and Android users
- Added a slot parameter to /changeskin and /dskin, allowing VIPs to assign skins to up to 3 slots
- Fixed deleting an account incorrectly checking government stats
- Fixed VIP level 1 name changes resulting in losing VIP stat


- Reverted code that hides floating properties for 0.3.7 users due to false positives at some locations
- Admins can toggle the restricted area functionality (wanted stars & SAM rockets)
- Added anti-VPN. Players who join with VPN confirmed will be kicked. When VPN is suspected, but not confirmed, an admin warning will be sent
- Admins can ban/unban players from joining organizations
- Fixed viewing your own Stats, Admin Stats, and Mission Stats (using /stats) not showing a "Back" button
- Fixed VIP levels 1 & 2 could change their personal skins to 0 (CJ)
- Fixed viewing an unban log entry giving the ban reason instead of the unban reason
- Fixed nearby aircraft map icons not disappearing after the only remaining vehicle occupant leaves the server
- Added new event type Bounty Hunter. The goal is to kill the bounty target and reach the bounty kill objective. When the bounty target is killed, or otherwise dies, and there is more than 1 player in the event, a new target will be selected. A marker will appear above the target's head for all participants but the target themselves
- Added a 24/7 store to the gas station at Easter Basin
- Fixed your truck positon being set during trucking missions (including entering mod shops) increasing the reward amount upon completion
- Fixed dynamic checkpoints appearing for players who aren't supposed to see them (if they're doing a mission, or...)
- Admins can ban user accounts and ip addresses for a specified number of days. After the number of days have passed the account and/or ip address will be unbanned automatically
- Added Deposit and Withdraw options to organization menus for members to deposit/withdraw weapons, drugs, and materials to/from the organization. (Co)leaders only can withdraw
- In addition to the on screen text a yellow map icon will appear to newly registered players (to guide them to the baggage reclaim exit)
- Fixed race & sumo event vehicle idle time checks. This will solve the issue of randomly losing your vehicle in these events


- Fixed ban info and ip ban info saying indefinitely banned accounts/ips were automatically unbanned
- Fixed animations/special actions being allowed to apply when a player is crouching
- Newly created property gate model angles are tweaked so that the gate is always facing the admin who created it
- Animations can now be played when crouching if the crouching player isn't cuffed/tied up
- Moved the same chunks of code from /guide, /viewcctv, /viewtag, /spec, /rspec, /aviewcctv, and /aviewtag into a single function PreparePlayerForSpecMode (resulting in more than 2500 fewer total lines)
- Moved some code for stopping SAM missiles, hiding occupied aircraft map icons, and mission ending, which was triggered when players leave their vehicles, from OnPlayerUpdate to OnPlayerStateChange (there was previously inconsistencies/false positives)
- Practically rewrote most of the occupied aircraft map icon handling code
- Fixed being able to change your gaming state to freeroam while wanted at rp school
- Added Auntie Poulet's house interior from VC as an available property interior (for 0.3.DL users)
- Fixed Diaz's mansion, Ocean View hotel, and Phil's caravan property interior safe door positions


- Added an aircraft dealership (Air Dealers) at Easter Bay Airport. Aircraft available to buy here are Leviathan, Raindance, Beagle, Maverick, Sparrow, Stunt, and Dodo.


- Added Auntie Poulet's house to /interiors
- Added the Air Dealers to /guide
- You can test fly Air Dealer aircraft for 90 seconds
- Increased the streaming distance of the big hangars at LS and SF airports
- Fixed test driving/flying a vehicle and then buying it causing it to respawn when you first leave it
- Added /toggletips to toggle tip messages
- Added /afkmsgs to toggle AFK/back messages


- Admins can change the reward amount for toy events
- Added "Interior List" to planning department checkpoint
- You will get event top kill death ratio stat if you equal the already top ratio but have more kills than the current holder


- Fixed mission checkpoints sometimes being unresponsive after leaving & re-entering your mission vehicle
- Made many non-constant read-only arrays into constants
- Using 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 as the camera position/lookat coordinates in /editcctv will keep the coordinates unchanged (it will change only the interior and door)
- In some cases property door IDs can change, so CCTV IDs in /propinfo will now tell you if the CCTV door doesn't match the property door
- Fixed /goto, /get, and /tp not resetting the teleporting player's last registered door (and zone) when moving them from any interior to inteior 0 (causing them to then be unable to enter interiors)
- Fixed /getv not updating the last registered door (and zone) of occupants in the vehicle (sometimes causing them to then be unable to enter interiors)


- Fixed selling all of your shares from a business to a new investor not adding the shares to their list of businesses
- Added /asklist for admin Level 4+ to view the latest asks. The ask list will display each ask user, their question, the status of the ask, and the HDO involved (if on-going or completed)
- Changed /loc [playerid] to /loc [playerid] [toggle (0 = disable, 1 = enable)] . When you toggle a wanted players location to on their last reported location will be displayed on your screen (above the radar) after 5 seconds, and will be updated every 10 seconds after that.
- Increased max org pickups to 8
- Parachutes can be used by players who are disallowed weapons


- Fixed a bug with /setleader when a player from the same org is set leader (their name will appear in the members list twice)
- Admins can toggle anti-cbug
- Added /toggles for players to view a list of toggleable settings
- You can store explosives in vehicle boots
- Admins can see a list of businesses extorted by organizations
- The anticbug toggle has no effect on /events. Instead admins can toggle anticbug per /events event


- Fixed lowering a player's wanted level using /want not decreasing the wanted stars
- Added stored amount to the materials and explosives store/get dialogs
- Changed accept death key to N
- Added continuation dialogs after boot/safe transactions, allowing you to continue with new transactions without re-triggering the dialog
- Updated our edited version of weapon-config (skinhit) with the latest commits for better open.mp support


- Admins can give players a jetpack
- Admins can teleport into organization interiors
- Organization members who view their own organization members list will see the Online/Offline status of each member


- VIP points can be bought with in-game money. The cost is $25mil per point. /vippoints can be used to both use and buy VIP points
- Added the option to /vippoints to sell your VIP points. VIP points can be sold at $5mil per point
- Another fix for race & sumo event vehicle idle time checks. This should solve the issue of randomly losing your vehicle in these events
- Fixed /orgcar not appearing in /ocmds for Gangs
- Added /damagefeed to toggle on-screen damage feed text
- Fixed several potential "Array index out of bounds" errors when using some organization related dialogs
- Players' account IP address info is updated when they try logging into a banned account with a different IP address
- Merged admin commands /enablehs & /disablehs into /togglehs and /enablereg & /disablereg into /togglereg
- Prohibited weapon banning and disallowed weapon disarming are now triggered as the sync packet is received. This greatly improves reliability and essentially means that these methods are (should) be unavoidable
- Client money changes are also amended as the packet is received
- Frozen players don't take damage
- All weapon skill levels in events are set to hitman
- Players can use /suicide to commit suicide. This command can't be used when wanted or frozen by an admin, and can only be used once in 20 minutes
- Admins can teleport to players using a given angle and distance/offset. If the target player isn't in an interior the average map Z coordinate at the calculated positon will be used, otherwise the target's Z coordinate is used. This command doesn't inform the target that they were teleported to


- Fixed on duty law enforcers becoming wanted by using timed explosives
- Fixed non-law organization members not becoming wanted when using /detonate while /oskin'd
- Added some missing details to hogan's alley interior, including some posters and a shooting range
- Added a missing LOD to the cargo ship in Bayside. This fixes an area where players could enter into, getting stuck inside the ship object
- Fixed some disappearing objects and visually one-sided fence objects in the concert hall interior
- Fixed the visually one-sided fence object at Salvatore Leone's mansion


- Fixed event boundries minY always being 0.0
- Fixed the visually one-sided fence of the cargo ship in Bayside
- Fixed falling through the floor when entering Ocean View hotel and re-added it as an available property interior
- Fixed the walls of Auntie Poulet's house interior
- Added the VCS cargo ship interior to the III cargo ship at Bayside. To enter simply walk at the door to the hull on the deck of the cargo ship
- Made the cargo ship objects at Bayside static
- Fixed the visually one-sided platforms, stairs, and fences of the VCS cargo ship interior
- Various improvements to Salvatore's mansion object model (including fixing the invisible underside of the roof and fixing being able to enter down through the chimney and into the object)
- Fixed being able to jump over the fence of the pit inside the cargo ship interior causing you to get stuck
- Added Phil's shooting place interior from VCS to the outdoor shooting range in Bone County
- Moved Ocean View hotel from "Misc" back to "Houses" in /interiors
- Added Phil's shooting range to "Misc" in /interiors
- Added Louise's apartment interior from VCS as an available property interior, and added it to /interiors


- Fixed the bounty target's marker object not being destroyed when they die in Bounty Hunter events
- Moved a lot of repeated code from OnPlayerDeath into a single function, resulting in more than 3000 fewer lines
- Fixed /aocmds not showing all admin organization commands for the organization manager
- All level 5+ admins can use admin organization commands as well the organization manager
- Renamed /setorgmanager to /orgmanager
- Moved /resetbus, /resetbusbyid, /gotobus, /bussearch, /addbus, and /delbus from /acmds to /abuscmds
- Moved /resetlockup and /gotolu from /acmds to /alucmds
- Added /realestatemanager for level 6 admins to set a player as real estate manager. The real estate manager, as well all level 5 and 6 admins, can use admin property/business/lockup commands
- Players can map teleport if their virtual world is that of viewing a property interior (non-admin real estate manager?)
- Fixed some transparent objects: Ocean View hotel floor and windows, Diaz mansion marble floor and office glass table, and VC strip club floor
- Fixed being able to enter through the walls at the entrance of Ocean View hotel, subsequently causing you to fall to your death
- Added El Banco Corrupto Grande bank interior from VC as a hidden interior and listed it in /interiors (with the possibility of using it as a working bank interior in the future)
- Made El Banco Corrupto Grande into a working bank. This bank interior replaces the default banks at Come-A-Lot and Ocean Flats
- Lowered /loc update time to 5 seconds

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