DG-Server Updates topic

Started by Strapz, Sep 01, 2022, 11:42 AM

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- Removed automatic wanted level reduction and added an option to police dept checkpoints to bribe the police. You can bribe the police once every 30 minutes
- Admins can add objects to events. The maximum is 50 objects per event
- Added an option for property owners to add additional furniture to their interior. Currently each furniture item costs $500, and to sell/discard furniture you will get $200 back (per item). Individual furniture item prices might come in the future
- Fixed event objects not being re-created after server restart
- Changed /movefurniture to /myfurniture where you can both edit and sell your furniture


- Law enforcers can start a raid on a property. When a property is under raid the property pickup will turn red and the text label will say "'Organization name': THIS IS A RAID!". During a raid only law enforcers can enter/leave the property, and property actions (buying, selling, renting, etc) will be disabled
- Law enforcers can crack the safes of raided properties


- Fixed level 1 and 2 VIPs being able to /changeskin 0
- Fixed entering a non-raided property sometimes saying the property was being raided
- Fixed entering newly added property interiors saying the property was being raided
- Fixed dying in an exploded test/mission vehicle respawning you twice and with CJ running anims
- Fixed a bug with /resetbus where shares belonging to other owners can become corrupt
- Added object sfse_roadblock5 to South East San Fierro freeway
- Reverted /gme and /gdo back to /me and /do and added /lme and /ldo as local versions
- When in aircraft you will see other occupied aircraft marked on your radar
- The 4 SAM sites at Area 69 now work. Upon entering the restricted area in aircraft, or entering aircraft while in the restricted area, the nearest SAM will rotate to your direction and then fire a missile towards you. The missiles will explode upon reaching your aircraft (or after having travelled a total or more of 300.0 units)


- Organizations can have up to 3 checkpoints
- VIP Ultimate members can use /jetpack to get a jetpack in /fr mode
- Added the cargo ship from III to Bayside for 0.3.DL users
- Admins can remove checkpoints from organizations
- Increased SAM site rotate speed by 20% and increased missile speed by 25%
- Organization interiors, interior vehicles, interior vehicle enter pos, and interior vehicle ext cube areas can all be linked to individual org checkpoints (allowing each checkpoint to have a different interior in a unique world)


- Added on screen text for newly registered players spawning at the baggage reclaim instructing them to press N to leave at the door
- Organization roof teleports can be linked to individual org checkpoints (allowing each checkpoint to have a different roof teleport and /down area)
- Admins can toggle weapons from being/to be purchased at gun stores
- Added a new wanted reason (Terrorism). Terrorism is worth 6 stars and will be set when you detonated explosives
- Added Rustler bomb dropping. You can drop a bomb from a Rustler using the handbrake key. It'll explode on impact on the ground and on players & vehicles
- Removed /orgcat and changed /createorg so that it asks you to select a category before then creating the org
- Fixed your cars/bikes previous owner's name not formatting correctly when selling it at a dealership before the 7 day cooldown period
- Added a new wanted reason (Trespass - Res Area). Trespass - Res Area is worth 6 stars and will be set when you enter Restricted Area. Armed Forces and on-duty Police and SWAT are exempt from becoming wanted
- 5 bombs can be dropped from a Rustler at the same instance
- You can reset your vehicle position to your organization HQ
- Admins can check players' client version
- Admins can start ''Guess The Number''. A number, with a min & max range, a total amount of per-player attempts, and a reward, can be set for players to guess. Type /guess to submit your guess


- Admins can mark players on the map & radar (useful for custom events)
- Anti-cbug is triggered only by Desert Eagle, Shotgun and Sniper Rifle
- Added a 1 second cooldown period in-between dropping Rustler bombs
- Added an optional parameter to /plantbomb make it a timed explosion - /plantbomb [seconds 1 - 20]
- Fixed the explosive object you're planting being left behind when you're put into a vehicle boot
- Updated bcrypt plugin to latest version
- Made it simpler to edit org rank permissions with a an edit completion dialog that, when responded to, will take you back to the list of permissions
- Like the org rank permissions dialogs, a completion dialog has been added to banks which upon clicking will take you back to the main dialog menu
- Removed default export vehicle positions. There will now be at least one of each export vehicle positioned at the random vehicle spawns around the map
- Doubled export vehicle reward costs. They're now double the prices they are in single player
- /asetpass now sets a temporary password to the player's account. Upon logging in with the temporary password the player will be prompted/required to set and confirm a new password


- Changed /questpickup [slot] [clue] to /questpickup [slot] which will show a dialog msg box for the clue to be entered
- Added /exportlocs to view a list of cities where all export vehicles can be found
- Export vehicle reward costs are now 75% of what they are in single player


- /exportlocs tells you how many of each of the vehicles are in each city
- Added an optional parameter for admin ID 1 to /disablecmd to disable a command indefinitely. If a command is disabled indefinitely only admin ID 1 can enable it again
- VIP-U members can use /health to restore their health by half every 5 minutes
- Your gaming state must be Freeroam to use /health and /armor
- VIP-U members can scratch 20 scratch cards each day


- Added a new mod shop at Doherty garage for VIP members. All modable vehicles can be modded here
- /exportlocs will show only the locations of the vehicles from the current export list
- Added the Dirtring interior from Vice City to San Fierro stadium for 0.3.DL users
- Updated Pawn.RakNet plugin to latest version
- Added actors to banks. The actor will appear to players at their active bank checkpoint
- Player bank checkpoints & actors are configured when the actor initially streams in for the player
- Bank actors will hands up when aimed at and cower when shots are fired. When shots are fired the checkpoints are disabled


- Airport guards will handsup when aimed at, and as a result of this the airport gates will open
- Added a priest actor to both church interiors. The priests will also hands up/cower with interacted with
- /unban and /unbanip both have an optional reason parameter
- /baninfo and /ipbaninfo info is shown in a msg box dialog
- /baninfo and /ipbaninfo can both be used on previously banned accounts/ips. If the account/ip was previously banned both the ban info and unban info will be stated
- Added /unbanlog to check the previous 24 logged unbans
- Percent symbol can be used in the chat
- There are now two type of account notes: Action notes, Manual notes. Action notes are automatically logged when a player is muted, kicked, banned, unbanned, warned, or admin jailed. Manual notes are those of /addaccnote. /viewaccnote will give the option to view action notes or manual notes


- The prison exit "cell" door can be bombed with explosives allowing prisoners to escape. All prisoners are informed when/if the door is bombed. The door will re-appear when all prisoners/visitors have left the interior
- Fixed prison exit door bombing being effective when the prison is empty
- All players are informed when the prison exit door is bombed
- When bombing the prison exit door you'll be informed if the prison is empty
- /guide pages are used and are managed all in one dialog
- Added boat school and trucking school to /guide
- Fixed /say, /vsay, and /shout leaving two spaces (instead of one) after "[ID]" and "says/shouts" for admins in Freeroam mode
- Fixed the variable used to remember a player entering a vehicle when using the cellphone not being reset when being put in a boot
- Fixed event "Closed" status red color not formatting correctly for the first listed event in /events and /eventinfo
- Fixed setting vehicle interior incorrectly at Loco Low Co
- Added bike dealers to /guide
- Admin level 3+ will see lock-up pickups when using SA-MP 0.3.7 (for reset purposes)
- Fixed /viewhiddenint would allow admins using 0.3.7 to teleport to 0.3.DL interiors


- Admins can toggle allowing use of weapons for players for a set number of days
- Fixed issues creating/editing roadblocks & cones
- Changed roadblocks back to dynamic objects
- Added some code to kick rapid joining players (bots)
- /gm no longer requires the user to be spawned
- /gm now retains the user's health (they can't be damaged anyway...)
- /gm toggles god mode on/off (instead of just turning it on)
- /sethealth will only disable god mode if the value set is 0
- Added 2 new lockups in Willowfield for 0.3.DL users
- If toggled on during the dying process god mode will be ignored when pressing sprint key to confirm death
- God mode is ignored if the damage reason is unknown (this includes dying in an exploded vehicle)
- Admin level 5+ can see all organization pickups
- /enablecmd and /disablecmd command text parameter must begin with a '/'
- Fixed /orgcar and /repair saying your organization doesn't have any checkpoints
- Fixed some loops not force breaking when shifting admin & hdo IDs
- Fixed /kickadmin checking if there are any admins (there has to be at least one admin if the command is being used!)
- /admins & /kickadmin no longer check for a valid admin status (admin statuss are set when admins are set!)
- Fixed admins hidden status being reset when admin level is increased/decreased
- Fixed creating /rb and /cone saying you've reached the maximum amount
- /admins and /hdos use tablist style dialogs and display offline members too
- Fixed being given a new parachute in events after leaving your spawn point interior when the interior type is skydive
- If the damage reason prior to death is drown, collision, or unknown, the killer will always be invalid
- Fixed /tagsoff always saying "You already have player name tags disabled"
- Added anti vehicle spawning (hacks)
- Added an organization rank permission for /repair
- Fixed sometimes you'd keep your vehicle after /export
- The setting/kicking of co-leaders is now logged (admin note message + server log print)
- Fixed resetting your boat to the nearest docks setting it to the wrong docks
- Fixed PC users' health and armor saving with default values when joining an event
- Non VIP members can own 2 vehicles
- Max player vehicles has been reduced to 6. The number of vehicles a player can own is their VIP level + 2
- Fixed being unable to re-enter the prison interior after being unjailed
- Fixed when buying business shares from a player you were able to own more than the maximum business shares
- Fixed selling all of your shares of a business to another player, who isn't already a shareholder in the business, not resetting the shares amount in your owner slot
- Fixed the wasted player losing half of their money when their event ends as a result of their death
- Added /areply to /commands
- Added a Raindance to the helipad on the tall building in Downtown Los Santos and one on the helipad at Bayside
- Added a completion dialog to dealerships after buying insurance, changing vehicle color, changing license plate, and changing licence plate color, allowing you to return to the main dialog menu
- The sub commands of /actions can be used in jail
- /b can be used in jail
- Added robbing of ATMs to /faq as a way to get money
- /getplayerver will state if a player is using an official/android client
- Owned vehicles clock kilometers . Kilometers travelled show on the speedometer
- Fixed attempting to buy more than $2147483647 worth of mobile vouchers or scratch cards giving you unlimited money
- You can hold only 50 explosives
- An animation is applied to players in vehicles when they start dying
- Dropped IsPlayerConnected2 from IsPlayerUsingAndroid; and added IsPlayerUsingOfficialClient to it to hopefully resolve false positives
- Admins can generate random numbers from within a min and max range. The generated number will be sent in a chat message to all players
- Admins can generate a random player from the player list. The generated player's name will be sent in a chat message to all players
- When reviving a player text will show above both the players' heads (at the position of rp name text). If either player has their rp name enabled, it will be raised slightly higher to assist the revival text
- Added some missing objects to the concert hall interior and fixed some rotations of others


- Fixed being able to buy disabled weapons from gun shops using /buyweap
- Added a Raindance to the helipad at Los Santos International
- Added a Maverick to the helipad at The Emerald Isle
- Added text labels to ATM machines stating which key to press to use them
- Added a stunt race map, by Ford, and created a race event at it
- Added /eventminz which works like min/max velZ detecting but instead checks for min Z
- If you fall below the minZ in a race event your positon will be set back to the last checkpoint you entered
- Fixed a crash in /startevent when an admin starts a race event without being a participant
- Increased rp name and revive text label Z offsets
- Fixed race event fastest lap not updating
- Fixed last man standing events being left locked after all players have left the event


- You can only blow open the prison exit door once in 2 hours
- Fixed business owners selling their shares to fellow owners not updating the fellow owner's shares amount correctly
- You can't rob weapons disabled for purchase using /robammun
- Admins can change the names of solo races
- Added event status type Invite. Admins can lock an event to invitation only and invite players to join it. Event invitations expire when the event is disabled or won
- Increased max events to 20
- Added version 2 of Ford's stunt racing map, and altered the race checkpoints of the event located there


- Fixed an "Array index out of bounds" error in OnVehicleDeath when there's a player in the boot
- If you fall below the minZ during a race event, without being in your team vehicle, you'll be put into another team vehicle (as driver) at your last entered checkpoint
- Fixed being unable to teleport from the basement floor to the top floor using the elevator dialog in Caligula's
- /putin checks that seatid is less than or equal to the max passengers of the vehicle
- seatid in /putin is optional. If seatid isn't specified the first available seat in the vehicle will be found
- GetPlayerSpecialAction2 returns SPECIAL_ACTION_CUFFED if IsPlayerCuffed is true (GetPlayerSpecialAction would otherwise return 0 for cuffed players in vehicles)
- Being revived increases your health to 10 (not 100)
- Fixed buying the remaining shares of your business from another player not updating your shares if the other player is last in the owners list
- Fixed upside down ramp in Dirtring interior
- Replaced the III cargo ship at Bayside with the other III cargo ship
- Added the "hogans_alley" interior from Vice City to the Ammunation in Ocean Flats
- Added a missing object to Salvatore Leone's mansion

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