Rules of Engagement

Started by Raynrayy, Jan 05, 2024, 09:48 AM

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Rules of Engagement

Below mentioned rules are to be followed by every organization member and the leader is obliged to enforce these rules within their organization. Failure to do so will result in strict action taken against the organization as a whole and the culprit that disregards any rule mentioned below.

Note: Any attempt of exploitation of given rules and/or attempts to bypass the rules will be taken harshly.

  • Illegal Organizations:
    • Wars between organizations (Short Term or Long Term) require a valid in-character reason, approved by the Organization Management Team (OMT).
    • Scale your roleplay preparation for attacks and defenses according to the magnitude of the situation. Insufficient roleplay may result in warnings or infractions.
    • Stick to the weapons provided by the OMT Head unless an active OMT member permits otherwise.
    • If an organization member dies in a shootout, they must wait until it concludes before returning to the scene to avoid unfair advantages.
    • Reviving downed members during an active shootout is not allowed. Wait until the shootout ends and roleplay injuries realistically.
    • Reckless disregard for your character's life during a shootout is punishable. Avoid unrealistic actions for the sake of kills.
    • A 10-minute cooldown exists between attacks and retaliation. Retaliation must start after the initial shootout has settled, and roleplay during the cooldown is encouraged.

  • Law Enforcement Organizations:
    • Tire/vehicle shooting is only allowed if the suspect is armed or has a drive-by passenger aimed/shooting at you directly.
      • However, if the suspect's wanted level is 6+ and you are part of the SWAT division, then this rule can be disregarded ONLY IF both the conditions are met.
    • Use spike strips reasonably; cooldown timer to drop spike strip is 1 every 10 seconds. Once dropped, you are supposed to responsibly remove them shortly after.
    • Pitting is restricted inside the city and can only be done by Enforcer & FBI Truck. Use roadblocks sensibly and avoid spamming.
    • Organization vehicles cannot be modified; they must remain stock as provided by the OMT.
    • Unarmed suspects cannot be shot on sight. Utilize tasers instead, but only at close proximity.
    • Use tazer realistically do not spray them at the suspect.
    • Law enforcement cannot interfere in interorganizational warfare before it is concluded.

Rules you're supposed to follow each and every one of them to successfully commit a gang war/raid:

  • Professionalism in stating the reason of the  war/raid is required, as random gang wars for just a leader not liking the other is forbidden, and will be dealt with strictly.
  • To start a  war/raid you must get the other organizations confirmation as there must be at least 3 of them online, including the (co)leader,same with the raider's group.
  • An outsider cannot assist any gang/mafia/Law Organization into a gang war/raid.
  • There must be a good reason for the war/raid as 15 lines of /me and /do are required as a preparation for the war.
  • If a gang/mafia was raided, or it committed the raid itself, will be put on a restriction of 3 days as a safe period of time to restore their supplies and men. (Actions will be taken with or against the mafis/gang that breaks this.)
  • You must be given a permission to start a war/raid, and this permission is given either by the OMT leader or an admin who is not participating into the scene.
  • You're not allowed to start a war/raid until there's an admin monitoring the situation with his confirmation, and this admin must not be participating as well.
  • Assistance of any gang/mafia to another is allowed, but you can't exceed the limit of 1 gang/mafia assisting you, as they must've professionally role-played an alliance before.
  • Realism of gun-fear must be applied, as you must always get your cover behind any wall/object, simply Rambo'ing is not allowed.
  • Weapons that are not provided through the organization's supplies are forbidden.
  • If you've lost a war you must restore your supplies by regaining them through roleplaying.
  • There's a 30minute rule restriction if your character has died into the war, returning back isn't an option.
Actions will be taken against anyone who fails to follow these rules, those actions would result to be:
  • Admin Jail to the committer
  • Strike added to your organization ( 3 and the organization will be wiped)
  • Restriction of an organization's chances of raiding or creating a war.

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