Addressing the Extorting Issue

Started by Zach, Apr 10, 2024, 12:31 PM

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Extortion of Businesses

In Diverse Gaming, noting that it's a light roleplay server, we emphasize immersive and meaningful interactions that enhance the gaming experience for all players. Extorting businesses is a part of roleplay that can add depth and complexity to the narrative, but it must be approached with respect for both the game environment and fellow players. Therefore, the following rule is established regarding the extortion of businesses:

1. Roleplay Requirement: Extortion of businesses must be conducted within the framework of roleplay. Players are expected to engage in meaningful interactions, negotiations, or scenarios that justify the extortion attempt. This includes establishing motives, providing context, and allowing the targeted business to react accordingly.

2. Mafia Commands: Members of mafia orgs are not permitted to abuse their org commands for the purpose of extorting random businesses without proper roleplay. The use of org privileges, such as weapons or intimidation, must be justified within the context of the roleplay scenario.

3. Consent and Communication: Before initiating any extortion attempt, players must obtain consent from the owners of the targeted business. This can be done through in-game communication or out-of-game agreements to ensure that all parties are comfortable with the roleplay scenario.

4. Avoiding Random Targeting: Extortion attempts should not be randomly directed at businesses without prior interaction or roleplay buildup. Players are encouraged to establish connections, storylines, or conflicts that lead to the logical progression of extortion attempts, enhancing the overall narrative coherence.

5. Respect for Roleplay Boundaries: Players should respect the roleplay boundaries and preferences of others. If a player or business owner expresses discomfort or unwillingness to participate in extortion roleplay, their wishes must be respected, and alternative roleplay avenues should be explored.

6. Admins Oversight: Server admins will monitor extortion-related roleplay to ensure compliance with server rules and standards. Any instances of abuse, harassment, or violation of roleplay guidelines will be addressed accordingly, with appropriate disciplinary actions taken if necessary.

Consequences for Violation: Mafia orgs found violating this rule will face infractions. Repeated violations may result in severe consequences, including the deletion or wiping of the offending organization. It is imperative that all members of mafia factions adhere to these guidelines to maintain a fair and enjoyable gaming environment for everyone.

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