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Started by Flashi_Gamer, Jun 24, 2024, 04:33 AM

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Full Name: SAK
Date of Birth: 05/08/2000
Gender: Male
Contact Number: 43000141
Email Address: shakleem621@gmailcom
Home Address: Mulholland
City: Los Santos

Previous Law Enforcement Agency (if any): SAPD
Position/Title: Sergeant , Detective

Why are you interested in joining the San Andreas Police Academy? I am interested in joining SAPD because i have a good experience about it and always ready to give rights to the people of San Andreas.Its my passion to sacrifice for needy.
What is your background and what motivated you to pursue a career as a SAPD officer? My father is a current Inspector in Police and grandfather is also a retired army officer. So, from starting there was a helping environment in my house,and my dad and grandfather both decided me to join police.Now i want to fulfill their desire and wanna help people like they did.
What qualities do you possess that you believe would make you an effective SAPD officer? Love for needy, Pitness, Intelligency, Sacrificing for others

Your Ingame Name: SAK
Your Ingame Score: 226
Have you ever been banned before? If yes, please provide,please provide details:Yes, for some teleport hacks but not anymore
Are you willing to undergo training and follow the guidelines set forth by the SAPD leadership for roleplaying as a police officer?: Yes, of course

RP (Roleplay): Roleplay is a full of world fantasy with a second dimension of life, but in the game. /me is using an action for your character to show the any flow the actions that sending into the roleplay circumstances regarding into the depending on situation and /do is the analyzing, etc. depending on if it happens or accepted the outcomes of a role-player or users.
PG (Powergame): Impossible to happen in real life scenarios.
MG (Metagame): More advanced gaming but in roleplay advancing into the roleplay situation that you already knows the action and the depending on situations (ex. You already know the name of the person you communicate with without introducations)
IC (In-character): Your second dimensional character that living into the fantasy world.
OOC (Out of character): You as a real person living into the real-world.
Oath to join the Department:
I, Shazim, solemnly swear to uphold the laws and regulations of the San Andreas Police Department, to serve and protect the citizens of San Andreas with integrity and dedication.

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