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02STORME-SAPD Application

Started by 02STORME, Apr 03, 2024, 10:25 AM

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  • Full Name: Sabawoon Hamidi
  • Date of Birth: 11/9/2009
  • Gender: male
  • Contact Number: 0773199143
  • Email Address:
  • Home Address: Ganton
  • City: LS

  • Previous Law Enforcement Agency (if any): Tango Hotel bravo   SAPD
  • Position/Title: <Answer>

  • Why are you interested in joining the San Andreas Police Academy? i like it 
  • What is your background and what motivated you to pursue a career as a SAPD officer? <Answer>
  • What qualities do you possess that you believe would make you an effective SAPD officer? <Answer>

  • Your Ingame Name: 02STORME
  • Your Ingame Score: 28
  • Have you ever been banned before? If yes, please provide details:
  • Are you willing to undergo training and follow the guidelines set forth by the SAPD leadership for roleplaying as a police officer?: Yes

  • RP (Roleplay): Roleplay means
  • PG (Powergame): powergame means
  • MG (Metagame): Metagame means
  • IC (In-character): In-character means
  • OOC (Out of character): Out of character means

Oath to join the Department:
I, Sabawoon Hamidi , solemnly swear to uphold the laws and regulations of the San Andreas Police Department, to serve and protect the citizens of San Andreas with integrity and dedication.


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